Wall Thangkas of various Buddha Deities are customarily painted on walls of Buddhist monasteries especially at prayer halls for blessings and auspiciousness.
The below thangka paintings of the different deities are from Thekchhog Kunzang Chhodon Nunnery main prayer hall, where daily morning and afternoon prayers are held.
To commission pantings of Buddhas brings immense merits, blessings and a good life.
For more information you can email us at admin@singaporedudjomdharmahouse.org
Mandala in Vajrayana Buddhism usually depicts a landscape of the "Buddha-land," or the enlightened vision of a Buddha, which inevitably represents the nature of experience and the intricacies of both the enlightened and confused mind. Buddhist mandala is envisaged as a "sacred space," a "Pure Buddha Realm,"and also as an abode of fully realised beings or deities. Vajrayana Buddhism sees the greatest protection from samsara being the power to see samsaric confusion as the "stained" of purity. By visualizing "pure lands," one learns to understand and experience itself as pure, and as the abode of enlightenment. The protection that we need, in this view, is from our own minds, as much as from external sources of confusion.The mandalas sacred enclosure consisting of concentric squares and circles drawn on the ground and representing the adamantine plane of being on which the aspirant to Buddhahood wishes to establish themself.
'Lord with a white body unstained by defects,
The perfect Buddha (Amitabha) is the ornament on your head,
You look with compassion on all beings,
Before you, Chenrezig, I bow down."
In the Vajrayana tradition of enlightened beings, Chenrezig is renowned as the embodiment of the loving kindness and compassion of all the Buddhas. He is the Bodhisattava of Compassion and represents the loving and compassionate potential of our mind. These qualities are inherent in our awakend mind even though at the moment this state exists as only a potential for us. Love, Compassion, Joy and Equanimity constitutes the "4 immeasurables", that is the very core of the Buddhist practise.
5 DHAYANI BUDDHAS ( Vairocana, Akshobha, Amitabha, Ratnasambhava and Amoghasiddhi)
Vairocana (Sponsored by Grace Loh Xing Li)
Vairocana is the first of the Five Wisdom Buddhas of the Vajrayana tradition of Buddhism. He is associated with the all accommodating of the Buddhist path and of the destruction of the poison of ignorance. He is depicted in white, meaning unstained by confusion. He is in the mudra of turning the Wheel of Dharma, symbol of the constant disclosure of the precious dharma teachings. He is associated with space and his cardinal direction is centre.
Akshobhya is the embodiment of 'mirror knowledge'. A knowledge of what is real, and what is illusion, or a mere reflection of actual reality. The mirror is mind itself -clear like the sky, empty yet luminous. He is associated with the destruction of the poison of anger and hatred. Holding all the images of space and time, yet untouched by them. He represents the eternal mind, and the Vajra family is connected with reason and intellect. Its brilliance illuminates the darkness of ignorance, its sharpness cuts through confusion. Akshobhya is associated with the element of water. This is why the two colors of Vajra are blue or white. Bright white like sun reflecting off water, and blue, like the depths of the ocean. Even if the surface of the ocean is blown into crashing waves, the depths remain undisturbed, imperturbable. And though water may seem ethereal and weightless, in truth it is extremely heavy. Water flows into the lowest place and settles there. It carves through solid rock, but calmly, without violence. When frozen, it is hard, sharp, and clear like the intellect, but to reach its full potential, it must also be fluid and adaptable like a flowing river. These are all the essential qualities of Akshobhya.
Amitabha is often called "The Buddha of Infinite Light and is the most ancient Buddha among the Dhayni Buddhas. He is of red color originating from the red syallable (HRIH) With his discriminating awareness Amitabha is the antidote for desire and resides in the sukhavati(dewachen) heaven, (a realm existing in the primordial universe outside of space time, manifested by a buddha) possessed of perfections. Sukhāvatī is situated in the west, beyond the bounds of our own world. By the power of his vows, Amitābha has made it possible for all who call upon him to be reborn into this land, there to undergo instructions by him in the dharma and ultimately become bodhisattvas and buddhas in their turn. These resolutions were expressed in his forty-eight vows.
Ratnasambhava (Sponsored by Loh Teck Song & Family)
Ratnasambhava's mandalas and mantras focus on developing equanimity and equality and in Vajrayana buddhism thought is associated with the attempt to destroy our negative poison; greed and pride. His activity in promoting Buddhism is enriching and increasing knowledge of Dharma. Ratnasambhava is associated with the jewel symbol, which corresponds with his family, Ratna or jewel.He is usually coloured yellow or gold and seated in a giving mudra. He is associated with the element earth, the heavenly quarter of the south and the season of autumn. His cardinal direction is the south.
Amoghasiddhi is one of the Five Wisdom Buddhas of the Vajrayana tradition of Buddhism. He is associated with the accomplishment of the Buddhist path and of the destruction of the poison of envy. His name means He Whose Accomplishment Is Not In Vain.His action towards the promotion of Buddhist paths is the pacification of evil. This is symbolised by Amoghasiddhi's symbol, the moon. He gestures in the mudra of fearlessness, symbolising his and his devotees' fearlessness towards the poisons or delusions.He is usually coloured green in artwork and is associated with the air or wind element. His season is summer and his heavenly quarter, the north.
Vajrasattava is a sambhogakaya buddha who embodies all of the five or hundred buddha families and also represents the state of commitment to what is indestructible, courageous vajra mind. Vajrasattva practices are common to all of the four schools of Vajrayana Buddhism and are used both for purification practises to purify obscurations and also to purify any broken samaya vows after initiation. As such, Vajrasattva is an essential element of Vajrayana Buddhist practice. In addition to personal practice, the Vajrasattva mantra is regarded as having the ability to purify karma, bring peace, and cause enlightened activity in general.
King Gesar(Sponsored by Eric Khoo, Irene Lee and Family)
King Gesar represents the principle of warriorship, not in the sense of war skills but of the realization of power, dignity and wakefullness that is inherent in all of us as human beings. The confident warrior conducts himself or herself with a gentle, fearless and open hearted intelligence in all aspects of life. King Gesar's heroic task is to over come the dark forces, both outer and inner that brings war and hardship and obscure the spiritual path. Gesar's ultimate victory promises that peace, harmony and enlightenment will prevail in the world.
Vajrapani, Holder of the Thunderbolt Scepter (symbolizing the power of compassion)is the protector and guide of the Buddha, and rose to symbolize the Buddha's power. Vajrapani is used extensively in Buddhist iconography as one of the three protective deities surrounding the Buddha.
Each of them symbolizes one of the Buddha's virtues: Manjusri (the manifestation of all the Buddhas' wisdom), Avalokitesvara (the manifestation of all the Buddhas' compassion) and Vajrapani (the manifestation of all the Buddhas' power).
For the yogi, Vajrapani is a means of accomplishing fierce determination and symbolizes unrelenting effectiveness in the conquest of negativity. His taut posture is the active warrior pose (pratayalidha).
Mañjuśrī is the bodhisattva associated with transcendental wisdom. The Sanskrit name Mañjuśrī can be translated as "Gentle Glory". He is depicted as a male bodhisattva wielding a flaming sword in his right hand, representing the realization of transcendent wisdom which cuts down ignorance and duality. The scripture supported by the lotus held in his left hand is a Prajñāpāramitā sūtra, representing his attainment of ultimate realization from the blossoming of wisdom.
Mañjuśrī is first referred to in early Mahāyāna texts such as the Prajñāpāramitā sūtras and through this association very early in the tradition he came to symbolize the embodiment of prajñā (transcendent wisdom).

Vajrakilaya is a significant Vajrayana deity who transmutes and transcends obstacles and obscurations. It is also understood as the embodiment of activities of the Buddha mind. Manifestation of Vajrakilla has three heads, six arms, and four legs. The three right hands except for the front one holds vajras. The right front one makes a mudra as granting boons with open palm. The three left hands hold a flaming triple wishfulfilling jewel or triratna, a trident and the kilaya. His back is covered by the freshly flayed skin of the elephant representing 'ignorance' with the legs tied in front. A human skin is tied diagonally across his chest with the hands lying flat on the stomach and solar plexus representing the flailed ego that has released its powerful grip obscuring the 'qualities' of the Sadhaka.Qualities are represented iconographically by the 'vortex'. A rope ripples over his body with severed heads hanging by their hair representing the Akshamala or 'garland of bija'. A knee length loin cloth winds around his belly belted with a tiger skin complete with tail, claws and head. This deity wears manifold nāga adornments and jewellery: naga earrings, naga bracelets, naga anklets and a naga cord over his chest, sometimes referred to as a naga gurdle and a naga hairpiece or hair ornament. Vajrakilaya's faces are round and small compared to the tall body. Despite the his wrathful appearance, Vajrakilaya is perceived as having a benevolent demeanor.
Having established the first Tibetan monastery at Samye, the first transmission that Padmasambhava gave to his twenty-five 'heart disciples', in order to eliminate the hindrances to the propagation of the buddhadharma in Tibet, were the teachings of the Vajrakilaya Tantra. From its early Nyingma origins the practice of Vajrakilaya as a yidam deity with the power to cut through any obstructions was absorbed into all schools of Tibetan Buddhism

In Buddhist traditions, Sakyamuni is regarded as the Supreme Buddha of our time. He became the "Buddha" meaning "awakened one" or "the enlightened one" through discovering what Buddhists call the Middle Way—a path of moderation away from the extremes of self-indulgence and self-mortification. He accepted a little milk and rice pudding from a village girl named Sujata, who wrongly believed him to be the spirit that had granted her a wish, such was his emaciated appearance. Then, sitting under a pipal tree, now known as the Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya, India, he vowed never to arise until he had found the Truth and at the age of 35, he attained Enlightenment.
At this point, he is believed to have realized complete awakening and insight into the nature and cause of human suffering which was ignorance, along with steps necessary to eliminate it. This was then categorized into 'Four Noble Truths'; the state of supreme liberation—possible for any being—was called Nirvana.

Bhaiṣajyaguru or also known as "Medicine Master and King of Lapis Lazuli Light", is the Buddha of healing and medicine in Mahayana Buddhism. In the English language, he is commonly referred to as the "Medicine Buddha" or the "Medicine King Bodhisattva". The use of the analogy of a Buddha being depicted as a doctor who cures the illness of suffering using the medicine of his teachings appears widely in Buddhist scriptures. As a bodhisattva he made 12 great vows. On achieving Buddhahood, he became the Buddha of the eastern realm of Vaidūryanirbhāsa, or "Pure Lapis Lazuli".
The practice of Medicine Buddha, the Supreme Healer is not only a very powerful method for healing and increasing healing powers both for oneself and others, but also for overcoming the inner sickness of attachment, hatred, and ignorance, thus to meditate on the Medicine Buddha can help decrease physical and mental illness and suffering. The Medicine Buddha mantra is held to be extremely powerful for healing of physical illnesses and purification of negative karma.

Maitreya is a future Buddha of this world in Buddhist eschatology. He will appear in future as a bodhisattva in the Buddhist tradition on Earth, achieve complete enlightenment, and teach the pure dharma. According to scriptures, Maitreya will be the successor of the historic Śākyamuni Buddha. The prophecy of the arrival of Maitreya is found in the canonical literature of all Buddhist sects (Theravāda, Mahāyāna, Vajrayāna), and is accepted by most Buddhists as a statement about an event that will take place when Dharma will be forgotten on Earth.
Maitreya is typically pictured seated, with either both feet on the ground or crossed at the ankles, on a throne, waiting for his time. Usually he wears a small stupa in his headdress that represents the stupa of the Buddha Sakyamuni's relics to help him identify it when his turn comes to lay claim to his succession, and can be holding a dharmachakra resting on a lotus. A khata is always tied around his waist as a girdle. He currently resides in the Tuṣita Heaven and his appearence in our world will occur after the teachings of the current Sakyamuni Buddha, the Dharma, are no longer taught and are completely forgotten.

Kurukulle is depicted mostly of red body color with four arms. She dances in a Dakini stance and feet crushing the Asura Rahu (The one who swallows the sun). Rahu is this context as a symbol of ignorance. She has a wisdom eye on the forehead, flame-high hair and a grim expression. In the middle of its crown of skulls there is a scroll, and sometimes even an image of Amitabha . She represents the magnitizing energy of the buddha.

KUNZANG YAB YUM (Sponsored by Wong Sing Yuen & Lai Keen Teck)

The Terma Tradition belongs to the Nyingma School in Vajrayana Buddhism. It is the skillful means whereby, Guru Rinpoche through his yogic powers, concealed teachings destined for future generations in the elements; earth, water, fire, air as well as in the expanse of awareness in the minds of his disciples. At the right time these disciples will appear in the world as Tertons, or revealors of these teachings which are known as Terma which were to be discovered at the time when beings were in need of a particular teaching to remove obstacles, sickness and various other catastrophies. His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche was one of these treasure revealors and revealed many teachings that would benefit beings at the time of war, famine and world disharmony as what we are facing in this era. Some of these revealed cycles include the Khandro Thugtik & Guru Tsokye Thugtik. The Dudjom New Treasure is fresh, vivid, and direct with no loss of meaning, words or blessing. These teachings from Guru Rinpoche to Dudjom Rinpoche to us is a direct short lineage. Therefore this lineage is uncontaminated and knows no degeneration by broken samayas. The blessing and attainments are immediate.

KHANDRO THUGTIK (Sponsored by Felina Boon and Family)

Guru Rinpoche, also know as Padmasambhava (The Lotus Born), was an Indian sage Guru and is said to have transmitted Tantric Buddhism to Bhutan and Tibet and neighbouring countries in the 8th century. In those lands he is better known as Guru Rinpoche ("Precious Guru"), where followers of the Nyingma school regard him as the second Buddha.
He said: "My father is the intrinsic awareness, Samantabhadra. My mother is the ultimate sphere of reality, Samantabhadri. I belong to the caste of non-duality of the sphere of awareness. My name is the Glorious Lotus Born. I am from the unborn sphere of all phenomena. I consume concepts of duality as my diet. I act in the way of the Buddhas of the three times."
In the Mahaparinirvana Sutra, Buddha Shakyamuni predicted the arrival of Guru Rinpoche,"Eight years after my parinirvana, a remarkable being with the name Padmasambhava will appear in the center of a lotus and reveal the highest teaching concerning the ultimate state of the true nature, bringing great benefit to all sentient beings."
EKAJATI (Sponsored by Foo Mei Kay)
Is one of the most powerful and fierce goddesses of Indo-Tibetan mythology. According to Tibetan legends she is an acculturation of the Bön goddess of heaven, whose right eye was pierced by the tantric master Padmasambhava as he banished her. She is generally considered one of the three principle protectors of the Nyingma lineage and a principle guardian of the Dzogchen teachings.
She is a personification of the essentially non-dual nature of primordial energy and represents ultimate unity. Along with that her ascribed powers are removing the fear of enemies, spreading joy and removing personal hindrances on the path to enlightenment.
Her demeanour expresses determination. With her right foot she steps upon corpses, symbols of the ego. Her vajra laugh bares a split tongue or a forked tongue and a single tooth. She is dressed in a skull necklace and with a tiger and a human skin. She is surrounded by flames representing wisdom.

EHEMARUTI - (Sponsored by Bobby Yeo Lye Hock)
DORJE DROLOD (Sponsored by Kong Wai Fong) ~ is the wrathful emanation of Guru Rinpoche from the set of Eight Main Manifestations. The Eight Manifestations of Guru Rinpoche belongs to the tradition of the Revealed Treasures. For the purpose of subduing demons and spirits of Tibet and the surrounding Himalayan regions Padmasambhava, at the thirteen mountain retreats each known as the Tiger's Den, appeared as the wrathful Dorje Drollo.
The deity embodies the forces of insight and compassion beyond convention. Invoking in the practitioner the fearlessness and spontaneity of the awakened state and transforms hesitancy and clinging into enlightened activity. He rides a pregnant tigress, which signifies the latent power of our intrinsic Buddha Nature. Padmasambhava manifested as Dorje Drolo at numerous pilgrimage places in order to subvert indigenous Tibetan beliefs in demons and malevolent gods, redirecting their powerful energies toward the path of wisdom and compassion.
21 Taras (Sponsored by Dennis Pang, Jenny Lee, Jonathan Quek Xuan Yu, Matthew Quek Xuan Ting, Quek Wei Rou)
In the Mahaparinirvana Sutra, Buddha Shakyamuni predicted the arrival of Guru Rinpoche,"Eight years after my parinirvana, a remarkable being with the name Padmasambhava will appear in the center of a lotus and reveal the highest teaching concerning the ultimate state of the true nature, bringing great benefit to all sentient beings."

Is one of the most powerful and fierce goddesses of Indo-Tibetan mythology. According to Tibetan legends she is an acculturation of the Bön goddess of heaven, whose right eye was pierced by the tantric master Padmasambhava as he banished her. She is generally considered one of the three principle protectors of the Nyingma lineage and a principle guardian of the Dzogchen teachings.
She is a personification of the essentially non-dual nature of primordial energy and represents ultimate unity. Along with that her ascribed powers are removing the fear of enemies, spreading joy and removing personal hindrances on the path to enlightenment.
Her demeanour expresses determination. With her right foot she steps upon corpses, symbols of the ego. Her vajra laugh bares a split tongue or a forked tongue and a single tooth. She is dressed in a skull necklace and with a tiger and a human skin. She is surrounded by flames representing wisdom.

EHEMARUTI - (Sponsored by Bobby Yeo Lye Hock)

The deity embodies the forces of insight and compassion beyond convention. Invoking in the practitioner the fearlessness and spontaneity of the awakened state and transforms hesitancy and clinging into enlightened activity. He rides a pregnant tigress, which signifies the latent power of our intrinsic Buddha Nature. Padmasambhava manifested as Dorje Drolo at numerous pilgrimage places in order to subvert indigenous Tibetan beliefs in demons and malevolent gods, redirecting their powerful energies toward the path of wisdom and compassion.

In Vajrayana Buddhism, the Ati-Buddha, or Atibuddha, is the "Primordial Buddha." The term refers to a self-emanating, self-originating Buddha, present before anything else existed. Samantabhadra/Samantabhadri and Vajradhara are the best known names for Ati-Buddha. Ati-Buddha is not said to be the creator, but the originator of all things. This personality is often referred to as Dharmakaya, or "buddha-body of reality.
"The Bodhisattva Samantabhadra, who, according to the Avatamsaka Sutra made ten great vows, is revered as Adi-Buddha in the Nyingma school of Vajrayana, along with his consort Samantabhadri. The two are usually depicted in union together in Tantric union. Samantabhadra is dark blue, while Samantabhadri is white. They appear together as Adi-Buddha in the Bardo Thodol (Tibetan Book of the Dead), at the center of the assembly of Peaceful Deities
"The Bodhisattva Samantabhadra, who, according to the Avatamsaka Sutra made ten great vows, is revered as Adi-Buddha in the Nyingma school of Vajrayana, along with his consort Samantabhadri. The two are usually depicted in union together in Tantric union. Samantabhadra is dark blue, while Samantabhadri is white. They appear together as Adi-Buddha in the Bardo Thodol (Tibetan Book of the Dead), at the center of the assembly of Peaceful Deities